Philosophy & Teaching Approach

Our teaching philosophy emphasizes on five different developmental domains of ECE (Early Childhood Education).

Our “ SPICE” up young minds for life.

Domains of ECE - Social
The ability to form attachments, play with others, co-operation and sharing.
Domains of ECE - Physical
Development of Fine and Gross Motor skills.
Domains of ECE - Intellectual
The process of making sense of the world around them.
Domains of ECE - Creative
The development of special abilities, unique talents like arts, music, drawing , writing, reading and singing.
Domains of ECE - Emotional
Development of self- awareness, self-confidence, and coping with feelings and understanding them.
  Vrindavan’s Approach – we follow the globally proven connected multi-media method of integrated learning – Vrindavan’s i – Connect Approach.
  It is an alternative approach towards the existing conventional teaching approaches in schools.
  By this Modern Global approach we are able to make - 700 neuro connections / second thus increasing IQ to the maximum potential.
  Inspired by the European’s most strong educational alternatives to the existing conventional teacher centric approach towards the modern child -centric approach , in VGS we have aspired to take teaching to the next level by advocating a child- initiated learning by combining the positives of all the three systems and having integrated them to form a unique system of teaching approach enabling the children to Learn… Explore… Achieve… Progress…
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